It was however a great opportunity for us to finalise a few last minute preparations for our group's intended Murud trek on Tuesday.
Our advance trekking party flew into Bekalalan Saturday morning, a few days earlier than the rest of the team. Upon arrival what needed sorting out was sorted while we filled the rest of the days with leisurely pursuits in the beautiful countryside such as birdwatching and stalking paddyfields.
Sara, Chris and Nazeri formed the advanced party who waslater joined by Rangamal, Yeo, Faye, Jackie, Edward, Mr Tan, and King king who flew in on Monday, a day before the Mt Murud Trek was to begin.
We had the place to ourselves for a few days ... and what a wonderful three days we had!
16th Oct, Saturday
0730 hrs Fly to Bekalalan
0915 hrs Arrival Bekalalan Airport
0948 hrs Check-in at Sang Sigar's Homestay in Buduk Nur
1200 hrs Lunch
1330 hrs Explore Sang's backyard for birds
1900 hrs Dinner

A man's car ... all muscle and can go anywhere ... no whining here.

Heavenly view from the twin otter, not sure where this is exactly.

Sang Sigar and Julia's beautiful home in Buduk Nur, our base in Bekalalan.

Lush bamboo groove in the backyard of the house.

We were checking out the bush for an owl that was reportedly seen by several people in the area. We were unlucky that day but there were many other birds in the area ... we heard quite a few.

We the buffaloes wallow, we were spying on a few Wood Sandpiper in the same area.
17th Oct, Sunday
0730 hrs Breakfast
0830 hrs Stroll the villages
0920 hrs Entered Long Langai
0954 hrs Entered Long Lamaput
1100 hrs Reached the nice dusun at the end of Long Lamaput
1200 hrs Trudging along the paddyfields between Long Lamaput and Long Langai
1300 hrs Lunch and rest at Sang's house
1638 hrs Walked towards Salt spring
1727 hrs Reached the Bailley Bridge
1815 hrs Reached Sang's house

Rustic view of the paddyfields are a staple here, everywhere you turn to there's bound to be some expanse of green, so soothing.

Local cuties at Long Langai stealing a moment away from Sunday's church service. Both Long Long Langai and Buduk Nur has a grand churh in the making. The church in Long Langai comes complete in concrete and Grecian columns, construction still awaiting final touches.

Along the dirt road towards Long Lamaput, another small village on a hill, there goes the green again.

A sweeping view from a knoll overlooking the green paddyfields and surrounding hills.

A small village stream flows quietly.
18th Oct, Monday
0818 hrs Introduced to Headmaster of SK Bekalalan in Long Langai
0820 hrs Started an impromptu "Birdwatching 101" for Primary 6 students
0915 hrs Walked to Bekalalan Airport to meet members of trekking team
1052 hrs All trekking members at Sang's house
1400 hrs Birdwatching with SK Bekalalan's Primary 6 students
1559 hrs Wrapped up birdwatching excursions with students
1630 hrs Walked back to Sang's house

A bucolic scene right in front of our homestay, a resolute buffalo absolutely refused to budge despite the unrelenting insistence of his masters. He only moved when they finally realised that they can't make the beast do their bidding this day. The buffalo gingerly walked away when they relieved him of his day's load.

While everyone else drew two eggs with a beak, two legs and a tail, our young friend Johny from SK Bekalalan sketched a Rhinoceros Hornbill to the amazement of many in the classroom.

A lone abandoned house in the middle of a paddyfield, could be a haven for those seeking solitude and waiting for divine inspiration, all it needs is a bit of sprucing up and a few well placed potted flowers.

Young birders eager to discover the birds in their backyard, each equipped with a binocular supplied from the school. These young folks are fortunate to be having such a backyard.

I spy with my eye a tiny little bird with an orange breast and grey mantle.
The three days in Bekalalan pre-Murud was wonderful; the days were filled with easy conversations with Sang and Julia about day to day life in the village, gentle stroll in the countryside amongst the paddyfields and delicious home-cooked meals by Julia.
We will be exploring further collaborations with SK Bekalalan through Sang to bring birdwatching activities to the the youngsters as well as more birdwatchers to the village hopefully to everyone's benefit.
Please email us if you wish to get more information about idyllic Bekalalan and how to visit.
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